Alberto Villoldo

Alberto Villoldo was already in his mid-twenties doing research on energy medicine at San Francisco State University when he finally realized that the answers to his questions could not be found under the microscope, but only in the world. He swapped his lab coat for hiking boots and headed into the Amazon to learn from the shamans and medicine people there how to heal emotional wounds. In this way, he was able to turn his own pain, sadness, and shame into sources of strength and compassion. Today, he shows others, via his seminars and his bestselling books, how we can heal and transform ourselves.

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Become One with the Flow of Life

During his time in the Amazon, Alberto Villoldo learned what it means to be one with the flow and to surrender to the water. We have almost banned nature from our modern society, so that it, too, now recognizes us as strangers. With a special dance, Alberto helps you connect to the eternal flow.

In this video you will learn…
  • how the peoples of the Amazon accept their flow
  • how stories carry philosophy and religion forward, helping us understand the path of your life flow
  • how to become one with the flow and get to your paradise
  • Exercise: Dance “Welcome the rainforest with open arms”

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